Yes, you are reading the title of this article right. We are in fact talking about the Punjaub in Australia!
You might be thinking to your self that this is just another story created by a bunch of punjaubees , but we assure you it most definitely is not.
It is a very real place and we bet you never knew about this Punjaub Australia history. It may even surprise you to know that this area is slowly becoming a popular Tourist attraction in Australia.
Let's delve a little deeper into the Punjaub Australia history
Punjaub Australia covers an area of more than 700 kilometers and was named in the 19th century for the 5 rivers Logan, Albert, Pimpania, Coomera and Nerang that flowed through its regions. As you can see just like its Indian counterpart the area was aptly named as the literal translation of punjaub is the land of five rivers.
What even more interesting is that the adjoining estate to Punjaub is called Almora, which is so fascinating because this just goes to show the deep connection between the Indian and Australian Punjaub’s which both have a place named Almora right next to them.
The fertile region of Punjaub which is known for its cattle station and orchards of orange, lemon, mandarin, kumquat, guava, mango, mulberry, banana and fig trees is situated near the border of Queensland and the Northern Territory. It is also surrounded by Brisbane in the North West, Cairns in the West, Darwin in the South West, Mount Isa in the North and Karumba in the South West.
Many punjaubees to this date still go to Punjaub Australia for vacations and it has even become a very popular spot for honeymooners as well.
What sets like place apart
Punjaub Queensland Australia is a breathtaking homestead that is slowly becoming one of the most pleasant places to visit in Australia.
It's not often you come across a place that has such rich culture and past attached to it. It's very intriguing when you get to know that a few indigenous children from Mt Isa have adopted Punjaub as their surname. This just goes to show how many Australians have deep ties with their homeland and are very proud of their history.
Punjaub Australia is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered
When thinking about which places to visit in Australia, even though Punjaub may not be on your list, it is definitely worth considering.
Since it’s naming in 1880 Punjuab is living proof of the inclusive and evolving culture of Australia. The Sikh community living in Australia couldn’t be more proud of this home away from home and you should take the chance to explore the lush and beautiful landscape of this region soon.
We think it safe to say that Paunjaub is definitely a Tourist attraction in Australia that is worth the visit and should not be missed if you love nature and the great outdoors.